Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie | Teen Ink

Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie

July 17, 2013
By booksandbark BRONZE, Somewhere, California
booksandbark BRONZE, Somewhere, California
4 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;We&#039;re all stories in the end... just make it a good one.&quot; ~ The Doctor<br /> &quot;There was once a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler&#039;s mind.&quot; ~ Douglas Adams

Novel Summary: In this murder mystery by Agatha Christie, acclaimed detective Hercule Poirot boards the Orient Express, a train bound for England. His other train has been cancelled and one of the crew members on the train is his friend. But alas, a woman soon finds a dead man in her compartment! Hercule Poirot must solve the mystery, but all the clues just point to interconnections...
Review Opinion: Somehow, murder always seems to be committed right under Hercule Poiroit's eye. When The Orient Express is stuck in deep snow, a man, one of the passengers on the train, is found dead.
Poirot is immediately recruited to solve the mystery, being the only detective on the train (and of course, being the acclaimed Hercule Poirot). The clues all point to things that just don't make sense, unless... did someone sneak in from outside the train? But that seems impossible—when would he have gotten on? This spellbinding crime mystery keeps you guessing until the end!
A reference to this book was made in one of Agatha Christie's other novels, Death in the Clouds, also featuring Hercule Poirot.

The author's comments:
I loved the book, and it was really an interesting read. I purposely did not reveal the ending in my review, as it will spoil the read, as it is a murder mystery.


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