Glass | Teen Ink


October 26, 2012
By BriRose2014 SILVER, Fremont, Nebraska
BriRose2014 SILVER, Fremont, Nebraska
9 articles 0 photos 20 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.&quot;<br /> -George Jean Nathan

At first, when I read the title of this book, I believed Glass would be about a person who harms themselves by cutting their wrist with glass. I also thought that Ellen Hopkins would not be a great author. But, as I read through the book, I realized I was completely wrong. The whole story is about a girl who becomes addicted to something very dangerous: crystal meth, also known as glass, and the more that she takes it, the more it begins to take over her life. Once the drug has a hold on her, she becomes a different person that she calls Bree. Bree is much braver than Kristina, the main character, is. Bree tends to have more power over Kristina, influencing many of her choices, all being bad. Each choice that Bree makes drags Kristina farther and farther down the road to a serious addiction. The book was one that I thought was depressing, yet very good. Hopkins uses the addiction as a learning process and shows how easy it can be to be influenced by a greater force. Glass is definitely a book I recommend to someone who wants something good to read.


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