It Ran | Teen Ink

It Ran

April 18, 2017
By clarkelewis SILVER, Arlington, Massachusetts
clarkelewis SILVER, Arlington, Massachusetts
6 articles 9 photos 8 comments

Dusk always walked away
in the summer, but
it ran in the winter —
casting shadows far too soon.

In the summer, but
one night may fall
casting shadows far too soon.
The rest hold the sun late.

One night may fall,
the light sinking into the hills.
The rest hold the sun late,
above the trees, illuminating leaves.

Dusk always walked away,
the light sinking into the hills,
above the trees, illuminating leaves.
In the winter, it ran.

The author's comments:

This is a pantoum. It is about the amount of light at the end of the day in the summer versus the winter. 


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