Solitare | Teen Ink


August 19, 2009
By emofreak SILVER, Masury, Ohio
emofreak SILVER, Masury, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

And just one more game
Of this lonesome solitare
Just to pass the time

I sit here alone
Passing out another hand
To ignore these thoughts

How the name does fit
This game played by only one
And how fun it is

For I don't like this
I don't like to be alone
But that's how I sit

Alone in this world
With this lonesome game to play
Me, myself, and I.

The author's comments:
I had a random thought the other day to write a few Haikus n have them be as one poem together. I thought it was pretty cool. Just looking for something different.


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