How to Make a Baked Potato | Teen Ink

How to Make a Baked Potato

February 13, 2024
By Kaitlin_Menz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Kaitlin_Menz BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Baked potatoes are filled with happiness all in one delicious bite, ”exclaims Ella Serwin. It all started with her mom’s love of baked potatoes. Having been fed them since she was young, by the age of ten she decided to try them on her own. For the last six years, by trial and error, Serwin has perfected her very own recipe she wants to share the joy it brings her stomach right to yours. 


To make this an easy, stress free meal prep, she suggests having all your desired topping, utensils and anything else. Before everything, ensure you have a closed,clear space. Your first step is to grab a good looking potato, that judgment is up to you. Typically one that is not moldy is always a good potato. It is extremely important to put three holes in the top of the potato BEFORE putting it into the microwave to ensure it doesn’t explode. You can do this by puncturing a fork through the top etc. Next, heat the potato for three minutes on one side, take it out, flip it over, and add an additional three minutes on the other side. After that is done cut it in half right away and lather butter on it as it is stemming hot. It is very important to add the butter as it is hot as it is easier to spread all of the potato. This is Serwin’s favorite step as she likes a lot of butter and also prevents the potato from becoming dry. Next step is to mash. This will make it easier to put the toppings on and eat the potato all together. Last, but certainly not least, is the toppings. Your topping is to your personalization and desire, but it is suggested to overload the topping so you get them in every bite. Serwin’s favorites; sharp shredded cheddar cheese, bacon bites, sour cream, and salt and pepper. 


Baked potatoes are an easy, quick meal that bring warm memories and hearts into your own home. By following Serwin’s suggestions we can ensure that you are fulfilled in the same experience she has when eating this delicious item. 

The author's comments:

I interviewed my friend about something she likes and it was a fun way to write about something someone I am close to likes


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