Jamal Comes to Visit | Teen Ink

Jamal Comes to Visit

March 28, 2016
By CanaBean PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
CanaBean PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
32 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
Give a beggar a million dollars and he'll use it for food, but what happens after he's full...

Jamal was on break from law school during the summer and came over for a visit, it was hotter than the Sahara desert because the air conditioning was broken and my owner was too cheap to fix it. Thats when Jamal and I began our secret operation: to set up every fan we could get our hands on around the house. Four fans in total: first fan in the kitchen, second fan in the bathroom, third fan in the living room and finally paper fan 4 my face.


Everything was cordinated to the three specific areas Jamal and I would go to. That is, until Jamal got sleepy and decided to take fan #2, the one in the bathroom and moved it into one of the bed rooms. At first I did not have a problem with it but eventually my trips to the bathroom got lonely without fan #2 around so I snuck in and stole it from Jamal's greedy villianous clutches.


At this point I must admit to you all I am no Lion-O, I am more of a Garfield and this fan was just too heavy. I was able to at least make it back into the bathroom but not quick enough to put it back on its pedestal and before I knew it the fan fell down faster than a drunk girl on prom night and cracked a piece of tile with it.


Now, you see our tile floor in the bathroom had these complex designs to them: lines turn into diamonds and then squiggles, really fancy and whatnot. Lucky for me the slam woke Jamal up and he came rushing into the bathroom to see what was up.


So I was like, "Oh no, How are you going to fix this?"


Jamal wasn't even mad he was just flabbergasted like when you're in a classroom and your teacher farts, its not suprising but you think to yourself, "like that did not just happen in real life".


Plus my owner was going to be home in about a half n hour so it was, I have to turn Jamal into a Bob the Builder in less than an hour.


See, he may be trying to become a lawyer but Jamal isn't the sharpest tool in the shed so he comes back into the bathroom with a ton of sharpy pens. Different colors too: blue ones, purple ones, etc. Thing is we didn't have time to go out and buy a new tile so lucky for us the back of the broken one was white so we just flipped it over and started drawing the design.


We both should have just went to art school cause we did a pretty good job. Jamal and I looked at our master piece with smiles on our faces. It was a pround moment for the both of us.


Jamal was like, "Its so good that you wouldn't have noticed there was ever a crack there". And I was like, "Yeah, I know I kind of want to tell my owner just so she can see how hard we worked on it". He got his serious poop look again so I thought, better not.

The author's comments:

I come from a family of writers and artists, except Jamal. Jamal's a lawyer. And now you can hear all about my misadventures. Boy, O boy Jamal won't like that his cousins cat is airing his life on the internet. Oh well, screw him :D I knew the laser was fake.


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