my place | Teen Ink

my place

February 10, 2009
By undignified SILVER, Dryden, Washington
undignified SILVER, Dryden, Washington
8 articles 10 photos 7 comments

The jagged rock face rises up from the earth, towering over the little valley. On the opposite side, a great mountain rises to challenge. The rocks burro underground, coming up on the mountain, making a ring about his neck, then, time freezes. Many years go by, Indians wander through every so often. Eventually, the pioneers venture up the canyon, finding this frozen-in-time battle. They look on in wonder, not realizing what took place here.
A few houses are built, filling the valley with more sound. The automobile gets created, causing the valley to echo with motors. More people come and go, creating a nice little neighborhood.
Many years later, a family finds this place, and they fall in love with it. They choose a spot nestled on the hillside below the jagged rock's perch. They look out over the valley, seeing the great mountain rise up, proud and tall. This family brings children, filling the valley with happy laughter.
As a group, they travel up to the rocks, looking down and seeing the beautiful valley laid out below. In the spring, the little girls pick wildflowers together. In the summer, the boys chase each other around. Autumn, they gather leaves of course, and during the winter they all play in the snow together.
In case you haven't figured out already, this is my home. It's a place of unfinished business, of mysteries, clouded with peacefulness. It's a beautiful place, and like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz said, 'There's no place like home'.

The author's comments:
I am simply in love with the place my parents chose for us to grow up. we hae lived here for twelve years and every mornig when I wake up and look outside, I am reminded of god beauty.


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