The Busy Day | Teen Ink

The Busy Day

February 1, 2023
By kajabrittany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
kajabrittany GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Anything is possible, if you want it bad enough ~ Glenn Travis

Last night I dreamt that I was living on the street “Lucky Road” in San Antonio Texas. The house was painted flint gray, it was a foggy morning with a brisk wind blowing through the open windows. I got out of bed and put on my memory foam sketchers that light up. “Those shoes are dope,” said Caleb. “Thanks Te amo too” I responded “are you hungry honey, I got lots of snacks” he asked, “Yes I am, however I would like an over easy egg sandwich on a biscuit with a big glass of water” Off to breakfast we went. We headed down to the city because I needed to grab something from work. Being an accountant in a tall business building in the city is quite hard at times. We finally reached the restaurant and took a seat, on the news was a story about Taylor Swift and Jenny Han going scuba diving in the Pacific Ocean, they were swimming with squids. They did this for the anniversary of Neil Armstrong passing away. “I wish I could swim with squids,” I said. “Anything is possible if you want it bad enough,” our waitress said to me. To the table next to us was a little toddler screaming and crying because their older sibling told them that bigfoot was going to eat them. Caleb and I giggled at that. After breakfast we grabbed a lottery ticket and headed home. While in the bathroom getting ready I heard a scream coming from the living. “What happened!” I yelled aggressively running out to the living room. “We just won the lottery, we just won 23 billion dollars!” shouted Caleb. Now we can go on our dream vacation and live happily ever after. 

The author's comments:

In my Creative Writing class we were given 22 prompts that we had to describe in deep detail to the best of our ability and right a story that started with the words "Last night I dreamt that...."


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