Sympathy for the Devil | Teen Ink

Sympathy for the Devil

January 14, 2019
By Chole BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
Chole BRONZE, Vancouver, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Sympathy for the Devil” by the Band the Rolling Stones Review

“Sympathy for the Devil” by the band the Rolling Stones is a classic rock song. Written in 1968 by Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, and the opening track for their album Beggars Banquet. The song is about the dark side of a man and seems to project a satanic view. Jagger seems to be referring to himself in the lyrics as satan himself with lyrics like “all the sinners saints” “just call me Lucifer” and “Stole many a man’s soul and faith”. The song was also originally named “The Devil Is My Name”.

The song starts off with a simple drum rhythm, then repetitive “yow”, and after the maraca is added. After a few grunts the first lyric goes “Please allow me to introduce myself”, which creates an iconic beginning. The lyric is repeated multiple times in the song, but is most impactful the first time sang as it is not only the first lyric to the song but the entire album. When the album came out the instruments used in the song with the rock style lyrics and guitar was very new and became the introduction to this style of rock. A strange yet endearing fact about this song is not only did it introduce new instruments into rock, it also started the face of satan in rock. “Sympathy for the Devil” is one of the main songs that influenced the beginning of metal because after hearing this song many people began “embracing satan”. Since the song was then known for being satanic many people opposed it and that style of rock, but many also supported the Rolling Stones even more. Bands such as Gun N’ Roses, Motorhead, Jane’s Addiction, and many more famous bands covered the song. Many of these bands even went as far as to give the song a more metal twist by using more popularing known rock instruments.

The song is endeared for many reasons, mostly for the reason of such harmonized contrast of soft instruments versus the satanic lyrics. The song has been voted thirty-second best rock song of all time and fifteenth most iconic rock song of all time. When looking through the lyrics great poetry can be found. Personal favourite would be “Have some sympathy, and some taste. Use all your well-learned politesse, Or I’ll lay you to waste.” and the chorus with only two lines “Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name, oh yeah. But what’s confusin’ you is just the nature of my game.”

The song is found to be very iconic and well written. This song is a piece of musical history and has changed the face of rock and pop music as we know it today.


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