Secrets of My Hollywood Life: Family Affairs by Jen Calonita | Teen Ink

Secrets of My Hollywood Life: Family Affairs by Jen Calonita

October 29, 2013
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

Nothing is like a good sitcom? Kaitlin Burkes know that more than anyone. Being on a television show since she was five Kaitlin know how hard Hollywood can be. Kaitlin thought her troubles were done. Her schools stunt got over leaving behind her boyfriend, friends and tons of memories. Now she’s back on set filming the fifteenth season, still battling it out with her co-star Sky. Life looks good until a new girl is cast as Colby Sara and Sam long lost sister.
Yet the new girl isn't the sweet girl she pretends to be. Sky got that from the beginning with Kaitlin closely coming to realize that. Knowing like most sitcoms new and irrelevant twist are added at random points. Yet in Sara and Sam’s lives did Colby needed to be there? Even as a filler? This book three in a series of six we get read as our star Kaitlin Burkes take on a new chapter of her life.


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