And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie | Teen Ink

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie MAG

December 15, 2010
By lexi239 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
lexi239 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 10 comments

A chilling, ingenious murder mystery, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie is not for the faint-hearted. This book will make you stay up late reading with a flashlight because you are so drawn in by the fascinating tale of twisted justice and psychological fear. Dubbed “the Queen of Crime,” Agatha Christie is one of the best-selling writers of all time, with her works translated into 100 languages. In this baffling whodunit, ten strangers are brought to a mysterious island by an unknown host with their past being their undoing.

Like many of Christie's novels, this book has many characters to keep straight. These ten come from a variety of backgrounds – including a judge, a young governess, a successful doctor, and a retired general. However, with so many important characters they are easy to mix up.

Not one for pages of elaborate description, Christie's writing is tight and well controlled, with the imagery kept to a minimum. Although this means that the reader does not have a clear visual idea of the island or the characters, it also allows the story to move quickly and suspensefully.

And Then There Were None is one of Agatha Christie's best works. Intriguing with an elaborate and well thought-out plot and fastidious attention to ­detail, the story pulls you in so you can hardly resist its siren call. The suspense is so great that the book practically vibrates, and you can hardly read fast enough to keep up with the action.

However, without a clear main character, I feel the story is less interesting. Also, with just glimpses of what they are thinking, the characters seem somewhat flat, and sometimes the dialogue is choppy. However, the high suspense and baffling ending more than make up for these minor flaws.

With an amazing and fantastical plot line and plenty of suspense, this book is the ideal mystery for fans and even for those who normally don't like whodunits. Thrilling and slightly spooky, And Then There Were None is an amazing book that sweeps the reader along in a current of intrigue and mystery


This article has 2 comments.

lexi239 BRONZE said...
on Mar. 29 2011 at 1:11 pm
lexi239 BRONZE, Brooklyn, New York
4 articles 0 photos 10 comments
thanks!it was an assignment for school and the diea was to sum up the plot in about 1 or 2 sentences

Paris said...
on Mar. 28 2011 at 8:15 pm
i love your post - it doesnt give away the plot but really makes you want to read the novel. as i actually have read it and loved it myself, i really appreciate your review.