The Devis's Bed | Teen Ink

The Devis's Bed

February 26, 2024
By CharlieRustad BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
CharlieRustad BRONZE, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
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Secret service, kidnapping, and an assassination attempt of the First Lady are all part of The Devil’s Bed, by William Kent Krueger. The Devil’s Bed, By William Kent Krueger, is an awesome book and I would definitely recommend it. The book is so well written and exciting, that readers almost feel glued to the book. The two main characters; David Moses, and Bo Thorsen, really bring this story to life. I think the book's best parts are the main characters, Bo Thorsen and David Moses, and how well the book is written.

Bo Thorsen is the main character in The Devil’s Bed. He had a rough start but eventually became a great person. He grew up living in an abandoned school bus after his mother was murdered. He lived on the bus with a couple of other kids that he eventually became good friends with. After he was found living in the bus, he and the other kids that were living in it were sent to foster care. The Thorsens fostered him, and he eventually ended up using their last name as his own because he wanted a fresh start. Bo got a job as a security guard and worked up the ranks until he eventually was accepted into the Secret Service. During this book, he is stationed at a former Senator’s house to protect the First Lady, Kate Dixon.

David Moses had a rough upbringing. He spent his days and nights locked in his grandfather's basement, and would only sometimes see his mother. While in the basement, he read all the books his grandfather had stored down there and became very smart. His knowledge of the world outside the basement relied on the radio he had rebuilt with some spare parts he found. Once his grandfather had found out he could build things well, he had him make bombs that he used to blow up multiple buildings. David eventually got a job at Tom Jorgenson’s orchard (The orchard is where Bo will eventually be stationed). Tom Jorgenson’s daughter, Kate (who would later become the First Lady) accused him of assaulting her, and he was given two options. He could either spend time in jail or join the military. While he was in the military, he devised a plan to kill Kate because he thought he was wrongly accused of assaulting her. David Moses is the man that Bo and the other Secret Service agents try to stop.

In my opinion, the way that The Devil’s Bed is written is one of the best things about the book. In The Devil’s Bed, the book contains the point of view of two people, Bo Thorsen and David Moses, which makes the story very interesting. When reading The Devil’s Bed, the different points of view help to realize that who might seem to be the bad guy isn’t. Another great part of how this book is written is the different backstories of all the characters. It helps to get to know them better and see why they do things the way they do.

The Devil’s Bed, by William Kent Krueger, is an awesome book that will keep readers glued to the page until the very end. It is expertly written, and the variety of the different characters makes it interesting. If you want a great book to read in your spare time, I can’t think of a better option than this.


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