I Want a Balcony | Teen Ink

I Want a Balcony

January 14, 2024
By bridgetwolfram1 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
bridgetwolfram1 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Your story will never be perfect, but it is YOURS."

I have a list of life dreams typed up

It used to say “possible life dreams”

Not because they were the dreams that were physically possible

But because it was only possible that I would achieve them

Only maybe

But then I changed it

Because I don’t want maybe dreams

So now it’s life dreams, and they’re all typed up

Here’s what I want to do

I want a balcony

I want a balcony on a beautiful white summer-y house that looks out over the beach

I want to sit there on the balcony with my laptop and write

I want to write movies

And plays and books and all kinds of things

I want to write beautiful stories that keep people reading

That make people gasp and laugh and cry and sing and dance


I want to sit on my balcony with my morning herbal tea and write

And look up at the sky and look out at the beach

And see so far

Where it doesn’t end

And I want to feel like I can go all the way out there

Like I can go anywhere

And I will

I’ll go to Italy and France and Greece and England

I’ll make films and try foods and smell breezes

I’ll hear languages and see clothing and meet people

I’ll be with people I love and I’ll laugh and grow with them

Lifelong friends

And I’ll meet with them back on my balcony

And my writer friends and I will sit there together and write

And drink tea and smell breezes

And look up at the sky and look out at the beach

Some mornings I’ll go out on that beach and step onto the sand

And I’ll sit on the quiet shore and write

And I’ll breathe

And someone will come and sit with me and we’ll talk

And breathe

And Dance

Because I don’t want maybe dreams

I want a balcony.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem late one night in my room when I couldn't focus on my homework. It just came to me.

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This article has 1 comment.

sophialon said...
on Jan. 18 2024 at 12:48 pm
sophialon, Louisville, Kentucky
0 articles 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"be the reason someone feels welcomed, seen, heard, valued, loved, and supported."