He, Who Saved ME | Teen Ink

He, Who Saved ME

December 15, 2011
By PoemLoverSara PLATINUM, Tampa, Florida
PoemLoverSara PLATINUM, Tampa, Florida
27 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love Is Nothing But A Dream♥

My life isn’t as simple as it seems.
My life isn’t as pretty as you think.
My life is a maze with a bunch of twits and turns.
My life is a fire that burns and burns.
My life is complicated, my life is a never ending abyss.

I’m falling and falling and I cant seem to stop
It seems like I cant climb back to the top.
I’m hanging by a tiny thread,
Ready to give in and ready to fall up ahead.

What’s now?
What’s next?

The pain is unbearable and its getting to me.
But before I can reach the light,
Someone says “Come, come with I.”
He grabs my hand like I’m seven,
And guides me all the way to heaven.

Because Jesus is my savior and my everything.
I’ll do anything to be with him.
Because, Jesus can save me and my family,
Because Jesus is He, Who Saved ME.

The author's comments:
I just love this poem so much and you dont thats not my problem and i dont care if you dont it doesnt matter to me anyways (:


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