Single Rose | Teen Ink

Single Rose

December 25, 2009
By nothingbutme BRONZE, Port Jefferson Station, New York
nothingbutme BRONZE, Port Jefferson Station, New York
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

One Single Rose
lying all alone.
Red petals standing
out against the green grass.
I slowly walked over,
bend down and pick it up.
I smell the rose and
look up at the stars.
Relization overwhelmes me.
Did he really remember
red roses were my favorite?
That I wanted these at
my wedding?
He told me we shouldn't date
..since he was leaving..
ending it now was best.
He's words killed me but
he was right.
He kissed me once, said goodbye
and walked away.
I then realized what the
rose meant...

He would always love me


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