Phones in school | Teen Ink

Phones in school

December 20, 2013
By Sarasmiles247 SILVER, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
Sarasmiles247 SILVER, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
never let your self down keep moving forward!

Phones in school should not be allowed because students can cheat on test text play games, and go on sites that they know that they are not allowed to go on like:(Facebook,Twitter,Omegle,Myspace) All people complain about is not having phones in school or they complain about having phones in school! But honestly students should not have their phones in school because its just a disaster waiting to happen. what do you think should happen? here is a list that you think student should be allowed to have.

Phones should be in school
Phones should not be in school
I don’t care

Which one do think should happen? Results well very.

The author's comments:
Phones should just be a thing that people should have just in case of emergencies nothing else! Plus nationwide students from all over the globe get into trouble for having there phones in school!


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