Military Essay | Teen Ink

Military Essay

February 18, 2010
By Nightshade BRONZE, Ringgold, Georgia
Nightshade BRONZE, Ringgold, Georgia
2 articles 8 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a persistant one," - Albert Einstein.

Dear Secretary of Defense,
Our country is important, no? This is. After all where we live, where our families live, what the troops of America have long since fought for. Our military is a strong opponent now, but think of the future. We are dependent upon the youth of America to decide our fate. How can anyone possibly think the United States will be safe unless we force it to be mandatory action? Yes, I mean to enforce a law that makes all young adults, male and female, that are eligible and of age to serve two years of military service. True, it may be an unfavorable decision, but if its for the safety of America – what else is there to do?
Merely think it; the American troops are slowly becoming an endangered species. With all the killing and warring going on in Iraq and Afghanistan, the troops shall be gone. All that will be left are the old geezers that didn’t make the cut to go into war – and how can they defend the United States of America from enemies declaring war? Hiding behind walls and waiting for the opportune moment while their blood pressure medicine kicks in will certainly not make the enemy forces deplete anytime soon. The safety of our country depends on young, able-bodied troops and we won’t achieve that unless there is force behind it.
Also, as a member of the United States Army, government benefits are abundant in the services, am I not right? A young student can achieve free college scholarships; a retired veteran gets a salary paid by the government. For those who are wounded in combat, a disability grant is paid by the government until that soldier is eighty percent disabled. Being wounded in combat is always a very frightening likelihood, but getting paid to take that risk is a good thing. On the upside, there’s a good story to tell the grandchildren about on Christmas! Serving two years of service can also help prevent obesity, the rapid gaining of weight that plagues American today. Young adults are also steered clear of gang violence and shooting sprees – that keeps the U.S. more and more safe already. Other benefits are also as stated: family benefits if a soldier dies; free immunization, medical exams, screening tests, and health education; job training; schooling benefits for family members; surgical and mental health care; rehab at a discounted price; all verterans, upon returning to citizenship, are eligible to take the Postal Exam for the Post Office. These veterans are given anywhere from five to ten extra points, and are picked to work for the USPS over any other person.
While the factor of death still looms in air, I believe that dying with honor is about as great as it comes. In Japan and most other Asian countries, dying for the cause, or peace and sanctity of your homeland, brings honor and pride to the family that soldier originated from. That’s about as high as you can get in the honor tree, too. So yeah, dieing may happen, but its worth it all to protect your family and other loved ones out of harm’s way. Trauma is evident, for combat can be terrifying, but its so worth it.
All in all, I believe my reasons for asking you to make this a mandatory act of citizenship are fairly agreeable and true. All of this for a better nation, safer refuge, and well-trained citizens of honor.


Shelby Higdon

The author's comments:
An essay topic given out at my middle school. Fairly self explanatory. :)


This article has 3 comments.

elisee said...
on Nov. 10 2011 at 7:51 am
i like the way you give information and inderpendent

Nightshade said...
on Apr. 28 2010 at 12:46 pm
I agree to that statement as well. I seemed to have misplaced where I mentioned that this was not a choiced assignment. We (the students) were not able to decide who wrote what.

on Feb. 23 2010 at 4:25 pm
MisplacedTexan14, Saratoga, California
0 articles 0 photos 106 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If you can&#039;t stand behind our troops, feel free to stand in front of them.&quot;- a Bumper Sticker<br /> &quot;If Obama was the answer, it was a stupid question.&quot; - Another Bumper sticker

I don't agree. One thing that makes our military so strong is that it is all volunteer. You put more effort into something when you chose to do it.