The Palestinian and Israeli conflict is a genocide, not a war | Teen Ink

The Palestinian and Israeli conflict is a genocide, not a war

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Many times a day I scroll through social media, sometimes I see the life that I would want to live, but at most times I see the unfortunate circumstances that people on the other side of the world are going through. However, I know that as long as I live in a country which prioritizes the well-being of its people, I know that I’m safe, but up to what cost. For about half a year now all that’s been going around is the suffrage of innocent people and how their lives are being taken away from them in seconds. Palestine is currently one of the many countries that is being targeted.
The Palestinian and Israeli conflict seems like no longer a war, rather it now feels as if all of these innocent people are being put in a situation in which they cannot escape from. They are purposefully being put to suffer constantly, not being given breaks since they are being bombarded with constant bombs. Not only that but they are being mocked since all the help that they receive isn't even enough for them to survive, putting them at risk even more. According to The Guardian's current news article, they state that “Intentionally depriving people of food is clearly a war crime. Israel has announced its intention to destroy the Palestinian people, in whole or in part, simply for being Palestinian.” Keeping people from eating is a war crime. Starving innocent people for your benefit is a crime. People are so ignorant that they won’t even care to see the impact that this is making.
Even after this “war” is over the aftereffects of this will still be there. Just trying to construct or rebuild this will take a lot of time, not to mention that the people who survive will have the after-effects of the bombing, bringing it to many different generations. This war is inhumane, people in Gaza no longer have hope or see no future. United Nations news article states “We are hearing continued bombardments in this area throughout the day. No fuel or aid has entered into the Gaza Strip and this is disastrous for the humanitarian response.” Leading people to go on endless suffrage for several days.
People need to realize that this isn’t a war that will go away in seconds, this has been going on for half a year, and still, no change has occurred to save these innocent lives, protesters are being silenced but these innocent children, babies, and adults don't know if they'll see another day. Change starts from within, donating, protesting, and boycotting are all things that can help. Even if it is just a little, do what you can to help.

The author's comments:

This piece is very important to me because this is something that I feel like people don't talk enough about. Innocent lives are being taken in seconds and we as humans should be able to advocate for human rights no matter what part of the world it's in. 

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on Jul. 19 2024 at 11:30 pm
Ziadhateshisfamily BRONZE, Qalyubia, Other
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cindy this b- is messin up my floor

you are completely right.