What stops people from trying new things? | Teen Ink

What stops people from trying new things?

April 20, 2024
By laurenelisebender BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
laurenelisebender BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Trying new things is scary and that is just the reality of it. Many people, especially teenagers, are afraid to start something new. It may be because they think they are too old and that it is too late to learn new things or they may think they will be bad at it. Humans are scared of failure. Nobody likes being bad at things. The fear of failure is the number one thing that prevents people from trying new things. The Cleveland Clinic defines the fear of failure as “when we avoid doing things that have a potential for an unsuccessful outcome.” This prevents us from achieving our goals and discovering things we could be good at. 

The fear of failure can be broken up and analyzed deeper.  Failure is the lack of success. But in reality when you fail at something you gain so much more. Failure builds compassion. If everything comes easily to you in life what will you be working for?  While failure is emotionally challenging it builds perseverance and can be channeled into motivation to work for your goals. The fear of embarrassment is rooted in the fear of failure. It is embarrassing for some to have the people around them watch them fail. This is why it is important to surround yourself with people who root for you and do not make you feel bad when you fail. Having friends and family who encourage you and empower you to keep trying is so important because it is so easy to get discouraged after failure and prevent yourself from trying.

So now you have to think about how to move on after failure. First allow yourself to feel and reflect. Failure is disappointing but it does not mean your life is over so it gives you a time of reflection to give you a moment to think on what to do next. While you are reflecting, think about your goals and create a plan. Creating a plan sets a new path for success. Planning helps you analyze potential challenges and sets a focus on what you're trying to achieve. Another important factor to move on after failure is developing a growth mindset. People who have a growth mindset believe that abilities can be developed through dedication, effort, and hard work. Having this mindset can help keep you motivated and have resilience while trying new things.

Fear of failure is a powerful force that holds people back from trying new things. Failure is an opportunity not a dead-end. While trying new things no matter the barriers you face or the failure you endure it is important to keep trying and enjoy it. Trying new things helps keep people inspired and accomplished to achieve our goals and discover things we are good at. 

The author's comments:

This piece's purpose is to encourage people to overcome the fear of failure and try new things. 

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on May. 19 2024 at 9:46 pm
shaKING9 SILVER, Padikkal, Other
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Favorite Quote:
The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep.

best article

wowsss said...
on May. 6 2024 at 1:17 pm
wowsss, Melbourne, Florida
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wow great job! I love it

on May. 5 2024 at 8:39 pm
woahdinooo BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
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oh em geezers i love this article very good amazing amazing yes!