Hawaii | Teen Ink


April 30, 2013
By FaithEiben BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
FaithEiben BRONZE, Plymouth, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My dad came home with the most exciting news I've heard in my entire life. We had entered into a raffle through his work and we won it! Our prize was an all inclusive two week trip to a resort in Honolulu, Hawaii. The trip was planned for seven people and my family has five, so I got to invite two friends. Although I had a tough time choosing who to bring, I picked my friends Jackie and Kate.

Since the trip was scheduled for spring break and our break is only for a week, we got to skip another week of school as well. Now it came time to tell Jackie and Kate I was inviting them to go to Hawaii. At first they thought I was joking, but when they realized I was telling them the truth- they were speechless. After a lot of persuasion with their parents, they were allowed to come. From there we counted down the days until spring break 2013.

The first sight we saw when we landed in Hawaii was the sun setting on the beach. The next day when we woke up, our tour guide took us on a tour of the island. We saw an inactive volcano, went snorkeling, swam with dolphins and tanned on the beach. We spent the following two weeks at our resorts pool, on the beach, we went swimming, shopped and even went para-sailing. We rented jet-skis for a couple hours and ended up having races. One afternoon as we were walking on the beach, we saw a sign for surfing lessons. At first surfing was hard to get a hang of, but once you did- it was a blast. Over our vacation we went zip-lining over a tropical forest. After all of our activities we wanted to relax and get a nice tan on the beach, we also took a hula lesson through our resorts class. Our amazing two weeks had come to an end and it was now time to go home and face reality.


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