Excerpt from my book entitled A Love Story | Teen Ink

Excerpt from my book entitled A Love Story

November 7, 2008
By Jessica Grinder BRONZE, Orchard Park, New York
Jessica Grinder BRONZE, Orchard Park, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I was walking down the hall where the sophomore lockers were, I bumped into Nikki. Everyone knew her and everyone hated her. She butted into everyone’s conversation. Everywhere you were she was there just sitting there staring at you, listening to every bit of the conversation. Nikki was known as the ‘Stalker’ because of her ability to follow you around when you didn’t want her to. If you talked about her and she found out, she would run to her mother and cry about it until her mom called the school. But normally the school did nothing about it. The whole entire county hated the family; they were just too creepy and too obnoxious.

After I said I was sorry she initially started a long and boring conversation which was more like a monologue about her mom letting her finally get a kitten. I was so bored and wanted to leave but I couldn’t because she would cry if I just walked away and it was too early to think of a way to say good bye nicely. As I was standing there patiently listening, Ryan turned around the corner. He saw the look of desperation mixed with boredom on my face and said,” Hey Emma, Mr. P. wants to see A.S.A.P.”
“Okay I’ll get right on it, thanks,” I replied.
I ran towards my locker and breathed a sigh of relief when Ryan caught up with me. “Thanks for saving me that was the worst thing in the world.” I told him. “No problem, when I see a damsel in distress I immediately break out my shining armor.”
“I thank you very much Sir Lancelot… although that line was pretty cheesy.”
“So what are you doing tonight?’” He asked in an innocent voice as if he was clueless.
I played along, “Uh… I don’t know… maybe play in my basketball game and then rush to get to the school dance.
“Oh… sounds interesting. So I was wondering if your dad could drive me to the game and then maybe give me another lift to the dance.”
“I don’t see why he couldn’t. Don’t forget that my game is at 6:30 though.”
“I won’t. So I will see you at lunch, alright.”
“Alright, see you later.”
The bell rang and I ran to first block which is Spanish today for me. I got in the classroom just in time and was reluctant to see Lizzie sitting in the back with a seat with my name on it. “Hey,” she said with a big smile on her face. I sat down then the teacher, Mrs. Chaqueta walked in and sat down. She grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled something, and then took attendance. When she was finished she said, “You are going to have a project due when you come back from break.”

The author's comments:
This piece is just part of my book that I am currently writing. Some true events that actualy happened inspired me to write this book, but the book is a complete work of fiction. This excerpt I submitted is the beginning of chapter one of the book. I am still not finished with the book, but would really like to finish it and get it published. One of my dreams is to one day be an author with a best seller.

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This article has 3 comments.

on May. 11 2024 at 4:45 pm
JessicaJail SILVER, Laffayette, Colorado
8 articles 0 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
i piggybacked from a pizza dough freezer

I love your writing style, though you could add some backstories where you tell about people's backgrounds

on Jul. 14 2015 at 8:40 pm
SomeoneMagical PLATINUM, Durham, New Hampshire
22 articles 1 photo 259 comments
Hi! I'm also looking to be a bestseller. Your work was amazing but a little boring at the beginning... ,maybe add a little action like have Ryan do more than give her a diversion...not trying to sound weird or anything. But that might help make it a little better.

on Feb. 14 2009 at 3:13 am
wow. I can't believe I wrote this. It is so different than what it is now. Please if anyone is bored read this and comment about it! I would love the help.