They All Fall In The End | Teen Ink

They All Fall In The End

June 30, 2011
By Emilylight BRONZE, Enumclaw, Washington
Emilylight BRONZE, Enumclaw, Washington
1 article 4 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I'm not a very good writer, but I'm an excellent re-writer." -James Michener

They always say the same things.

If love's a game, I always imagine that it's something like a convoluted horse race. Every Thoroughbred champion, the biggest and the best, all thrown into one event. They burst out of the starting gate with the intent to win, then run their hearts out to the finish line.

Then, one by one, they'll all start dropping to the ground. Maybe it's one rider's fault. Maybe he allows his horse to get caught between opponents, perhaps a little too close for comfort. There's probably dirt flying back into his face and everything is happening at an impossible pace, so it's easy to lose track of what he's doing. His horse stumbles as its back hooves clip the front. He's in the middle of the pack and there's no other direction but the way gravity is taking him. Then maybe he takes them all down with him, and only a few will make it past the first corner.

So they all fall short of the finish line. So what if a bunch of innocent riders get crushed by trampling hooves in the mean time. It happens, that's life. Others are going to tromp all over you, and then they're going to fall too. They probably don't mean anything by it.

I wish that love were something like a horse race. We could all take bets. The fools, the hopeless romantics, they can go ahead and bet on the winners.

As for me, I'll bet on the losers. Nobody wins at this game.

I like you, I do. Go ahead and tell me I'm pretty. You love me? Good for you. You want to be with me forever and ever and ever and ever? That's nice.

You're handsome and you're sweet and you're kind, but just tell me that you like me.

I'm not ready to be crushed yet.


This article has 3 comments.

on Jul. 8 2011 at 3:13 pm
paigeforeman GOLD, Washington, District Of Columbia
18 articles 6 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s kind of fun to do the impossible!&quot;-Walt Disney <br /> &quot;It&#039;s not the years in your life that count, it&#039;s the life in your years.&quot;- Abraham Lincoln <br /> &quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world.&quot;-Gandhi<br /> &quot;The truth is out there.&quot;-The X-Files

:-) Thank you.

on Jul. 8 2011 at 2:22 pm
praveen.Trichy PLATINUM, Thirchy, Other
25 articles 0 photos 57 comments

Favorite Quote:
cruel leaders are replaced only to turn other leaders cruel

Your article was so good....i read it.....

on Jul. 5 2011 at 6:44 pm
paigeforeman GOLD, Washington, District Of Columbia
18 articles 6 photos 43 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s kind of fun to do the impossible!&quot;-Walt Disney <br /> &quot;It&#039;s not the years in your life that count, it&#039;s the life in your years.&quot;- Abraham Lincoln <br /> &quot;Be the change you wish to see in the world.&quot;-Gandhi<br /> &quot;The truth is out there.&quot;-The X-Files

I love this metaphor! It's just so....real and very true. Great job and you're right, they all lose in the end...

Do you mind checking out my song, "Lunar Eclipse?" I'd appreciate it! Again, great job!