Vallen | Teen Ink


October 3, 2010
By KilgoreTrout GOLD, Boyne City, Michigan
KilgoreTrout GOLD, Boyne City, Michigan
11 articles 0 photos 2 comments


Somebody had rigorously cut the wires of my dream and I fell out of bed. There was a knock at the door.

In the most findable pair of trousers I opened the door. It was a girl from down the hall, she thought there was a burglary going on. She was worried. At half past four in the morning I would stay up listening to possible criminal activity. If I were her, that is.

I'm am just too nice, even at this hour, to get dressed and have a look.

I put my head outside the balcony and saw them immediately. Two boys sitting in the curb, drunk and obviously lost. They surely weren't capable to doing more than making noise.

It was time to go to bed again.

"They won't do any harm."

"But I really thought they were going to break in."

"Just go to sleep, tomorrow starts early."

"Okay, but still I don't trust it."


Alone, I crawled under the blankets and tried to get back in the dream about the girl down the hall.

The author's comments:
An incredibly short story and slight reworking of my own encounter.


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