Misguided | Teen Ink


July 9, 2010
By BlackAngelWings PLATINUM, Venice, Florida
BlackAngelWings PLATINUM, Venice, Florida
25 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
New Moon - S. Meyer <br /> &#039;I flung my leg over the edge and ram through the knee deep water, it sprays all around me. &quot;Edward!&quot; I yell knowing it is useless. The crowd is too loud and my voice is breathless with exsertion. But I couldn&#039;t stop screaming.&#039;

I’ve gone down so many paths that have always led to dead ends and after taking them all devastation is sinking in, now I’m stuck in the same fork in the road and I’ve got no where else to go. My existence seems in vain as the roads vanish before me and I’m left standing in the middle of a field, black and white. My friends laid out before me, holding pitiful dreams of hope. I turn away from the faces I love, a twinge of pain sent spiraling through my silent heart at the sight of them.


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