Living but not Existing | Teen Ink

Living but not Existing

September 26, 2018
By RaeBlossom13 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
RaeBlossom13 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Bad things may happen to us but it can always turn into Good ways"

My life wasn't normal at all

I didn't realize it was my last. 

Waking up in a cave that was covered

in thorns as each rose of color drip down.

Each memory was cracking like glass 

while slowly vanishing into the air. 

Like nothing exist at all, tears formed in my eyes

as I look down. My scars were showing and 

breaking into shatter pieces that never been 

touch, see, hear, and lived. Laying on the 

ground feeling my body vanishing as well

did my spirit. I never exist nor lived a life

but felt it all within my heart. 

The author's comments:

This is about a girl in my story who ends up in a cave and all her memories start to vanish as in not existing at all even herself. 


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